Monday, July 11, 2011

The Waterfall

 A view of the scenery from the car ride back. That is a mountain-type thing in the background.
 Me at the waterfall! yay!
The two waterfalls. I stood under the one on the left after swimming over there. :)

Today we went to a waterfall that was about an hour southeast of where we live. We went in a taxi for $6 (American) a person. Some exciting events and not so exciting events:
It was so beautiful where we were, and definitely pretty rural. We saw an elephant that someone was riding, and an airtel (cell phone) store that definitely didn’t have electricity (or phones, it seemed). There were also these beautiful mountains that reminded me of the foothills of the Rockies, or of mesas more generally. Everything was also green, since it is monsoon season, and it rained while we were there.
We went with our friends from Afghanistan and France, so there were definitely some seriously trilingual moments (Farsi, French, English).
The waterfall was really pretty, even though the water was sort of muddy. But, we went swimming anyway, and that was really fun. Not only did I get to swim around (and wear shorts!), but I also swam to the far waterfall and sat underneath it, which was so nice. Sitting underneath the waterfall almost felt like a massage, or a real shower.
We played cards after swimming for a while, and there is a lot of crossover internationally with regard to card games. So playing cards was fun.
Esther’s shoes got taken on accident, so we had to go on an investigation for them on the walk back from the waterfall and they were eventually recovered. This also was our walk back, during which it was pouring!
On the way back, we also managed to make some new friends who helped us on the quest for Esther's shoes. One of them also asked me if I was married. It was awkward, but I told him I had a husband and his name is Sergei. The first time I have used my ring to get out of an awkward situation. Now I need to start going through other names. Suggestions anyone?

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