Friday, July 15, 2011

Teaching Styles

Today I had an interesting conversation with teachers about how to maintain order in the classroom. They said that parents often encourage teachers to maintain order in whatever way is necessary, including hitting their kids (obviously a difference from the States in this respect). However, many other strategies are similar, like the yelling at kids if they refuse to do anything or behave. Of course, all of these are different from the NIRMAN teaching strategy, which really does not functionally work in a classroom with 40 kids inside and 2 classes going on at the same time, especially when you don’t speak the language that the kids are talking behind your back in (at least in my case). Of course, one could simply dismiss me as disillusioned, but I have yelled at the kids (no specific kids, just generally to be quiet and pay attention). We’ll see. Hopefully things will improve when we have a real classroom for the kids.

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