Thursday, August 18, 2011


 So fancy!!!!

I was creeping really hard in this picture, but the point is that there is imported Italian marble on the floor and fancy wood everywhere. So impressive!

We went to all of these different Havelis (ok well only 2). Basically, they are these large villa/house complexes that were owned by the Indians whose families were recognized as important by the Imperial powers that be. Generally speaking, these families were already active and important in the community before the British came, but they gained extra power upon the British arrival.
These people were all friends or relatives of Naval Krishna sir, who is just insanely connected (partly a result of his family). We had tea and snacks with them, which is something that I really enjoy. Tea and tasty snacks should definitely become a practice in the US.
Architecturally, these houses were beautiful. I only took pictures of one of them though. The pictures are above. 

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