Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Indian Music Lesson

 Today we also had a lesson about Indian music, taught by a guy from around here.
Some interesting points for the musically-inclined:
(1)   Indian Classical music is also on a seven-tone scale, with the notes being sa re ga ma pa dha ni. Although it’s similar to the do-re-mi system we have in the states, it’s not exactly the same, and I’m going to spend some of the summer figuring out why.
(2)   Indian classical music has two components: Raaga (melody), and taala (percussion or rhythmic cycles). Each Raaga has a specific mood and rules that may be associated with it.
(3)   Much of Indian classical music doesn’t use meaningful or real words in its composition, and thus the words wouldn’t make sense if you put them together. Therefore, less than words and music, music is solely sounds.

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